Carlo Trinchero – Bass Fishing Techniques You Can Use on Your Next Fishing Trip

Carlo Trinchero enjoys being outdoors and when he is not busy in his winery he likes to go fishing. One of the reasons bass fishing is popular in the United States is because they are found in abundance and they are relatively easier to catch. Carlo Trinchero has been fishing ever since he was a youngster and has bagged several prize catches. Here are a couple of tips you can use the next time you go fishing.

Carlo Trinchero


When the fish are not too active, you might have to resort to pitching to lure them out of their hiding. Pitching is not the same as flipping and is easier to execute. You will need to let out enough line and keep your reel open. Place your thumb on the reel spool and lower the rod tip towards the water. With your free hand, hold the lure and pull on the line and as you feel the line tighten, let go of the lure and swing your rod tip upward, as you do this remove your thumb from the reel spool. The action will help slingshot your bait towards the target.


Flipping requires much more practice than pitching, but once you master the technique, you will find that you have more precision with flipping than pitching. To execute this technique, you will need to release about 15 feet of line and then close the reel. Hold the line between the first guide on the fishing rod and the reel, and extend your arm to the side while pulling on the line. As you raise the rod, the bait will swing towards you. Use the pendulum motion to swing the bait to where you want to cast it while releasing the line through your hand. Tighten the slack and get ready for the bass to bite. Carlo Trinchero enjoys going on weekend fishing trips with his friends.
